

完成奖学金试镜的音乐专业学生将被考虑获得1美元不等的奖励,500 to $5,000. 音乐 minors 和 non-music majors are also encouraged to audition, 符合条件的选手将获得参加管乐团的表演奖, 音乐会合唱, or Con节奏rary 音乐 Ensemble.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 15, 2024 (for new students*)

* 2024-2025学年返校的学生将于周五进行现场海选, 2月23日, 2024 和 should complete STEP TWO below 与他们的SCSU应用课程讲师或合奏主任联系,以获取试听申请链接. Returning students do not need to apply through Acceptd.

STEP ONE: Apply to St. 云州 University

新 和 transfer students should complete the application to St. 云州 University at http://brsshqcwlwyxgs.haerbinjiudian.com/admissions 

STEP TWO: Complete the Huskies Scholarship Application

Once admitted to St. 云州, 您将激活您的StarID访问并完成一般博彩网站推荐奖学金音乐申请 http://brsshqcwlwyxgs.haerbinjiudian.com/huskiesscholarships

你在这个一般申请中的答案将自动匹配你符合条件的所有音乐奖学金. (Auto match does not guarantee an award.)

STEP THREE: Audition

All scholarship applicants must complete the Acceptd online application, accessed via the red portal below. 进入accept后,从左侧的下拉菜单中选择学位和课程. 希望提交视频试镜的人必须在2024年3月15日截止日期之前提交. An alternative option for live auditions will be held on Feb. 29, 2024 和 may be scheduled by calling (320) 308-3223 or emailing music@haerbinjiudian.com 不迟于二月. 23, at which time you will be given a specific audition time 和 schedule for the day on February 29.


STEP FOUR: Accept awards

奖学金录取通知书将以两种形式发给你:圣何塞大学音乐系的一封信. 云州 University 和 a notification from Huskies 奖学金. 这封信将概述你的奖励金额,奖励条款和接受截止日期. 博彩网站推荐奖学金的通知将指导您完成接受奖学金的步骤. 


Friday, 2月23日

Deadline to request in-person audition (freshman & 转让)

Returning Student Audition Day

Thursday, February 29

新 & Transfer Student Audition & 校园参观日

3月15日星期五 Deadline to submit video auditions on Acceptd website
4月15日星期一 Scholarship notifications sent by email 和 mail
5月15日星期三 Deadline to accept scholarship awards on Huskies Scholarship Site

What to play for your audition


如果您对申请流程有进一步的疑问,请联系Dr. Catharine Bushman, Interim Chair at music@haerbinjiudian.com.


  • 参加入学试镜的学生将凭记忆表演一首选段, to be prepared from st和ard classical vocal repertoire. 参加奖学金选拔的学生被要求演唱第二首对比风格的歌曲.
  • 在您的试镜时间之前,将提供伴奏和与伴奏的简短排练.
  • Appropriate audition repertoire may be chosen from the following:
  • Songs Through the Centuries, Carl Fischer
  • 24 Italian Songs 和 Arias, G. Schirmer
  • 26 Italian Songs 和 Arias, Alfred
  • 28 Italian Songs 和 Arias, G. Schirmer
  • The First Book of Soprano/Mezzo/Tenor/Baritone Solos, G. Schirmer
  • Students may be asked to demonstrate range, 敏捷性, 语调 和语气 quality through a series of vocalizes.
  • 学生将与声乐教师面谈,以确定学生的音乐背景和音乐阅读能力.
  • 所有学生必须证明有能力读懂音乐,才有资格进入私人工作室.

Brass, Woodwind 和 字符串

  • 从标准的独奏或练习曲文学作品中准备两首节奏对比的作品或乐章, style, 和/or articulation. For all auditions, an accompanist is encouraged, but not required.
  • 所有学生将演奏大调音阶和半音音阶,升音和降音. 每种仪器的具体比例要求可根据仪器类型:黄铜, 打击乐器, Piano, 字符串, 人声或木管乐器.
  • Students will also be asked to sight-play at an appropriate level, demonstrating correct articulation, 节奏, 语调, tone 和音乐才能.


  • Prepare two pieces of literature that contrast in 节奏 和 style. One piece must be memorized.
  • Prepare all major 和 minor scales (Segovia fingering preferred).
  • Students will also be asked to sight-play at an appropriate level, demonstrating steady 节奏, 准确的节奏, 和音乐才能.


  • Prepare two pieces of literature that contrast in 节奏 和 style. One piece must be memorized.
  • Prepare all major 和 harmonic minor scales 和 arpeggios, 手在一起, 2个八度, with correct fingerings.
  • Students will also be asked to sight-play at an appropriate level, demonstrating steady 节奏, 准确的节奏, pedaling 和音乐才能

Con节奏rary / Jazz Guitar

You must be able to read music (both notation 和 chord changes), have a strong concept of the Guitarists’ role within the 节奏 section, 并演示适合当代和爵士音乐风格的各种音调,包括直接前进爵士乐, Afro-Latin, 恐慌, 和岩石. 你的试镜应该包括一个旋律的例子和一个对比的例子,以证明你在上述各种音乐风格中表演的能力. The audition should contain approximately 4 minutes of music. Ability to improvise a solo is not m和atory, but is preferred.

没有推荐的音乐技能的学生可以寻求音乐方面的补习课程来提高你的阅读和演奏能力. MUSM 100和应用课程适用于任何学生,可以成为您在SCSU学习音乐的好方法.

Con节奏rary / Jazz Bass

You must be able to read music (both notation 和 chord changes), 对低音Guitar手在节奏部分的角色有很强的概念吗, 并演示适合当代和爵士音乐风格的各种音调. 你的试镜应该包含大约4分钟的音乐,其中包括一段向前走的爵士低音线, 一个时髦的低音线, 和 an Afro-Latin 低音 line. Your audition should demonstrate impeccable time, knowledge of style, 伟大的语气, 和 confident playing. We’re looking for great 节奏 section playing, not solo 低音 etudes.

没有推荐的音乐技能的学生可以寻求音乐方面的补习课程来提高你的阅读和演奏能力. MUSM 100和应用课程适用于任何学生,可以成为您在SCSU学习音乐的好方法.


  • 大卫斯文森基金会奖学金的使命是支持对打击乐艺术充满热情的学生的教育之旅,并颁发给主修音乐的打击乐演奏家. The award totals $20,000 paid out over four years.
  • SCSU提供音乐学位,包括音乐教育理学学士学位,适合那些热衷于在公立学校教学的人, 为那些对专业音乐和教学充满热情的人提供表演音乐学士学位, 以及音乐文学学士学位,适合那些对音乐领域相关的各种职业充满热情的人.
  • 试镜证明至少在下面列出的两个领域的成就.
  • Although NOT required, 许多值得奖学金的打击乐手也在包括Piano在内的第二乐器方面表现出成就, Guitar, 低音, or a wind instrument during their audition.
  • If a student needs suggestions for audition material, the following list if provided only as a suggestion 和 is not required. MN MMEA All-State Audition Etudes also make excellent audition material.
  • 打击乐器ists have opportunity to perform in the Wind Ensemble, 博彩网站推荐运动乐队, 博彩网站推荐Drumline, 和 the Con节奏rary 音乐 Ensemble.
  • Professional performance opportunities for percussionists in St. Cloud include the St. 云交响乐团,大河合唱团,和伟大的剧院,等等.
  • St. 云州离双子城很近,许多奖学金获得者都参加了MN铜管和RCR鼓队,以增加他们的教育经验.
  • 打击乐工作室有四间专门的练习室和一架音乐会三角Piano.0, one Stiletto 5.0, 4.6、4.3 Malletech rosewood marimbas, Malletech rosewood xylophone, Yamaha/Musser/Marimba One vibes, Yamaha 和 Gretsch drum sets, Ludwig/Yamaha/Goodman timpani, a large variety of Brazilian 和 Cuban h和 drums, 和 large variety of other concert percussion. 两个打击乐练习室配备了录音项目,包括雅马哈EAD10, Zoom 8 channel interface/mixer, M-audio Air 192-4 audio interface, CAD 和 AT 2020 mics, Novation Bass synth, Boss Loop Station, 和 Mac computers.
如果你有关于大卫·斯文森基金会奖学金或SCSU打击乐研究的其他问题, please contact Dr. Terry Vermillion at tvermillion@haerbinjiudian.com or phone (320) 323-3223.


  • 展示对基本音乐元素的控制,包括速度,节奏,动力和音调.
  • Student’s choice of concert or rudimental style
  • 应该包括火焰,褶皱/拖曳,口音,各种动态,和各种卷筒长度.

Keyboard 打击乐器

  • 展示对基本音乐元素的控制,包括速度,节奏,动力和音调.
  • Student’s choice of two or four mallets.


  • Demonstrate control of basic musical elements including 语调, 节奏, 节奏, 动力学, 和语气.
  • 应该包括各种滚动和动态,包括至少一个音高变化.
  • Student’s choice of 2, 3, or 4 drum selection.


  • Demonstrate control of basic musical elements including 节奏, 节奏, 平衡, 和语气 production through performance of drum set styles including:
    • Medium 节奏 swing
    • 岩石
    • 恐慌
    • 学生可以选择拉丁风格,包括巴萨诺瓦,桑巴,曼波和松戈

Suggested Audition Repertoire

Please see the list of suggested percussion audition pieces here.